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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  October 6, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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>> pelley: good evening. he was the great inventor and the fruits of his genius magically transformed the world. that is what one newspaper wrote about thomas edison on the day that he died. but the same can be said to want about steve jobs who died yesterday at the age of 56. edison invented the phonograph, jobs gave us a thousand songs in our pockets with the ipod. edison invented the motion picture camera. jobs revel electrocutionized movie making. edison gave us electric lights. jobs' computer iphones and ipads lit up our lives. john blackstone begins our coverage of steve jobs and his legacy. >> reporter: scott, here at apple's headquarters in cupertino, the flags are at half-staff, people are stopping to leave tributes. this place, silicon valley, was not just steve jobs' home, this is a place he helped to create and a police that helped to create him. steve jobs grew up here, the adopted son of parents of modest
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means. in true silicon valley style, he started apple computer in the family garage with his buddy steve wozniak. how young and naive we were in thinking out our original ideas. >> reporter: wozniak was the engineer, jobs was the one with the ideas, pushing to make a computer that would be easy, even fun to use. in 1981, long before most people even touched a computer, jobs somehow knew what it would take to make computers catch on. >> it's not going to happen at once. it's goingtor very gradual and human and will seduce you into learning how to use it. >> reporter: he knew what we wanted and he knew what he wanted. technology that did not need a manual. that made him a demanding boss, says long-time silicon valley observer paul saffo. >> like any visionary who is in a rush to change the world, he doesn't have a lot of time for all the little niceties. >> reporter: jobs' impatient management style helped lead to his firing from apple in 1985.
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but without jobs, apple drifted toward failure for a decade. when he was brought back, technology writer molly wood says, jobs insisted on total control. >> he was able to exert an iron hand on apple and say "i'm the guy in charge and you will do everything i say or we'll fail." >> reporter: back fully in charge, jobs oversaw almost every detail of every product, famously sending back prototypes for flaws no one else could see. jobs also demanded complete secrecy from everyone at apple as new devices were developed. >> great products often come from very different ways of thinking and if the whole world is around seeing it, you don't have a chance to even test it. >> reporter: as he battled pancreatic cancer, jobs kept pushing himself as hard as he pushed everyone else. >> it was very clear he was a man in a hurry to get a bunch of work done while he could. >> reporter: he continued as
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the company's supersalesman right up to his final appearance at an apple event in june. >> you like everything so far? (cheers and applause) well, i'll try not to blow it. >> reporter: the official address for apple's headquarters here is number one infinite loop. this street is named after computer code that goes on and on. it seems in the past couple of years steve jobs was determined to position apple as a company that could go on and on without him. >> pelley: thanks, john. apple seems to have had infinite reach to millions around the world. we asked bill whit dore check in with those folks whose lives were changed by the fruit of jobs' labor. >> i got my ipad, got my macbook pro. i have my ipod shuffle. i have my iphone, my magic track pad, wireless keyboard. >> reporter: 33-year-old hollywood music supervisor ryan gaines lives, plays and performs in a world transform bid steve
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jobs. he loves how the invections look. >> they look like the future. >> reporter: how they operate. >> he's made everything much more simple. >> reporter: chide's play, even. >> easy! >> reporter: at echo verizon school in culver city, california, the mac book and ipad are the new textbook. >> we do lots of fun stuff on ipads and we trace a lot of stuff. >> we use these things evidence and we kind of just take it for granted. >> reporter: so does sharon ann lee. apples flow seamlessly through the fabric of her life. her children play on the ipad on the way to school, she exercises to itunes and her office is anywhere, like this coffee shop which could pass as an apple store. >> steve jobs is really being considered the thomas edison of our time. i just felt like our culture had experienced a great loss of innovation. >> steve jobs went to the outer limits of computer technology and truly inspired not only my generation but the entire world. >> reporter: there have been almost three million tweets about jobs' passing.
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condolences have poured into apple stores in hong kong, beijing, london. in tokyo, a candlelight vigil steve jobs would have appreciated. >> everything has been changed as a result of apple and steve's vision. i believe the wheels he set in motion can never stop. >> reporter: jobs once urged the world to think different. because of him, the world does. bill whitaker, cbs news, los angeles. >> pelley: he even thought different about life and death. jobs learned that he had pancreatic cancer in 2003 when he was 48 years old. and here's what he said two years later to students at stanford university. >> no one wants to die. even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. (laughter) and yet death is the destination we all share. no one has ever escaped it. and that is as it should be because death is very likely the single-best invention of life.
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it's life change agent. it clears out the old to make way for the new. your time is lited so don't waste it living someone else's life. don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow already know what you truly want to become. everything else is secondary. >> pelley: if you were following jobs' heart and intuition when he returned to apple in 1997, you might have bought a thousand dollars worth of apple stock. today that investment would be worth about $95,000. we're hearing tonight that a major change is in the works for prostate cancer screening. a new government study shows the p.s.a. blood test is not nearly as good as hoped. 33 million american men have already taken it. dr. jon lapook is here and, jon,
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what are you finding out? >> scott, the piece say blood test, prostate specific antigen, has become notorious for being for for identifying cancer. it can rise from other things, like infections in the large prostate and even when cancer is found it may be growing so slowly it may never cause a problem and we're talking about a lot of men. for every hundred men, 16 will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, but only three will die from it. studies have shown you need to test a lot of men and do a lot of biopsies to save just one life. in one study, 1,410 men needed to get screenings to save one life over nine years. just to be clear: it's not the p.s.a. test itself but the treatment that results from the test that can cause serious side effects like incontinence, sexual dysfunk and other problems. a major panel that is reviewing the side effects and the studies
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and literature for the u.s. preventative services task force concludes p.s.a.-based screening results in small or no reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality. >> pelley: jon, what's the new recommendation likely snob. >> scott, it's likely to be it's not recommended routinely for healthy men. i suspect it's still going to have a role in the screening of men who have a positive family history of prostate cancer and, of course, in following men who already have prostate cancer to see if it recurs. >> pelley: thank you, jon. the line for unemployment benefits keeps getting longer. the government reported today 401,000 new claims were filed last week. that's 6,000 more than the week before. jobs were very much on the president's mind today when he met with reporters and wait until you hear what mr. obama said to our senior white house correspondent bill plante. bill was at the white house tonight. bill? >> reporter: scott, today's news conference was another attempt by the president to
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pressure congress into voting on his $447 billion jobs bill even though there appears to be no chance that it could pass either house in its its present form. you've been out on the campaign trail banging away at them saying "pass this bill" and it begins to look like you're campaigning and like you're following the harry truman model against the do-nothing congress instead of negotiating. are you negotiating? will you? >> i am always open to negotiations. what is also true is they need to do something. so, bill, the answer... the question then is will congress do something? if congress does something, then i condition run against a do-nothing congress. if congress does nothing then it's not a matter of me running against them, i think the american people will run them out of town. >> reporter: the president defended the campaign through the key states which he'll need in 2012 as the only way to pressure republicans in congress. >> right now john boehner is the speaker of the house and mitch mcconnell is the republican
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leader and all i can do is make the best arguments and mobilize the american people so that they're responsive. so far they haven't been responsive to not just me but public opinion. >> reporter: and if his own efforts won't sway republicans, the president vowed to continue trying to turn public opinion. >> so there may be some skepticism that i personally can persuade republicans to take actions in the interest of the american people, but that's exactly why i need the american people to try to put some pressure on them. >> reporter: scott, this dispute over a jobs bill which would pump billions into the economy by taxing the wealthy foreshadows the president's reelection campaign. it will be an argument over the shoos of government and its role if people's lives. >> pelley: thanks, bill. there are jobs out there. one company is hiring thousands of workers. in search of herman cain. these days you'll find him at
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the top of the polls. and what brought congresswoman gabrielle giffords back to washington when the "cbs evening news" continues. [ male announcer ] what's the beat that moves your heart? how about the beat of a healthy heart? campbell's healthy request soup is delicious, and earned this heart, for being heart healthy. ♪ feel the beat? it's amazing what soup can do. it's your fault. naturally blame the mucus. well...i can't breathe. did you try blowing your nose? of course. and nothing came out. ...and nothing came out. instead of blaming me try advil congestion relief.
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>> pelley: politics is full of surprises and here is one of them, in our latest cbs news poll, herman cain is now tied
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with mitt romney as the number one choice of republican presidential primary voters. we asked nancy cordes to tell us what's behind cain's surge. >> reporter: her man cain is relishing his new status at the top of the pack right alongside the man he endorsed four years ago-- mitt romney. >> he was a wall street executive, i was a main street executive. i've actually made pizzas. >> reporter: when he entered the race five months ago, the outspoken former c.e.o. of godfather's pizza was considered a sideshow. >> that dog won't hunt. >> reporter: but his catchy tax plan... >> it's called the 999 plan. >> reporter: a 9% personal tax rate,% corporate tax rate and 9% national sales tax resonateed with the tea party. despite concerns among economists that it's unrealistic and regressive. the most recent cbs poll shows
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tea party voters now back the 66-year-old cain over texas governor rick perry by a 2-1 margin. >> the thing about cain supporters, they don't defect. >> reporter: cain has never held public office, but he chaired the federal reserve bank in kansas city and headed the national restaurant association. he enjoys courting controversy, claiming blacks have been brainwashed into voting for democrats and recently telling the ladies of "the view" that homosexuality is a choice. >> you show me science that says that it's not and i could be persuaded. >> reporter: yesterday he said he had little sympathy for the un employed americans protesting on wall street. >> if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself! >> reporter: cain raised $2 million last quarter, well behind romney's $17 million. but, cain says, donors are starting to open their wallets, scott, after his win in the florida straw poll proved he's got staying power. >> pelley: nancy, thank you. astronaut mark kelly was honored
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today in washington, he's retiring from nasa and the navy. his wife, arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords, joined him for the ceremony. it was her second trip back to d.c. since she was wounded in an assassination attempt in tucson back in january. kelly spent 15 years with nasa and flew on the shuttle four times. while many companies have been cutting jobs, we found one that's hiring. thousands. that story is next.
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mushroom smothered beef burgers. hearty chicken and noodle casserole. so easy, you just need campbell's cream of mushroom soup to make them and a hungry family to love them. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> pelley: mortgage interest rates just keep falling. a 30-year fix has just dropped below 4% for the first time ever and a 15-year fixed is down to 3.26%. but despite the low rate, the rate of homeownership has fallen from 66.2% in 2000 to 65.1% last year-- the biggest drop since the great depression. of course, one big reason americans aren't buying homes is they that they can't find jobs. but jim axelrod has found a company on the banks of kentucky's salt river that has put out the "help wanted" sign. >> reporter: at the zappos distribution senter in shepherdsville, kentucky, you'll find some of the most relieved workers in america. had you started to give up a little bit? >> it was very hard. it's kind of depressing.
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>> reporter: relief is what happens when you find a job in a town where the unemployment rate is 10.3%. the online shoe retailer is bucking the national trend and hiring 3,000 workers for its busy christmas season. so far they've received 44,000 applications for jobs starting at $8.25 an hour. danita young started last week. she'd been out of work for a year and a half. what would have happened if zappos didn't hire? >> we'll still be eating ramen noodles every night. that was my meal. it was getting very bad. very bad. >> reporter: you hear that from the people on the floor here. in this economy they would have taken any job. but a job here at zappos-- even a temporary one-- for them, that's like hitting the employment lottery. number six on "fortune"'s top 100 companies to work for list, workers are treated to lunch everyday and the vending machines don't require any money. so there is such a thing as a free lunch? >> right.
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at zappos there is. >> reporter: more important says recruiting manager melissa leary, temporary jobs can become permanent. that's what happened to 700 of the 2,000 temp workers last year. >> if they come in the door and they're here everyday and they have a positive attitude then their manager would recommend them to come back in the future. good job. >> reporter: after a hiring process that encourages saneniness and individuality... >> say it like you mean it. >> touchdown! >> reporter: vernon o'brien got a job at zappos. he'd been looking for six months, worried with the holid holidays approaching. >> i guess it's expected that you're supposed to for your grand kids and your kids be the christmas san. san. >> reporter: you're supposed to provide? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: in part of kentucky, at least, santa will be coming and you can bet he'll have a great pair of boots. jim axelrod, booze, shepherdsville, kentucky. >> pelley: research out today shows texting while driving is more risky than you thought.
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it can more than double your reaction time. the study found that a driver who's not texting reacts to a flashing light in one or two seconds. but when texting, the time jumps to three or four seconds, comparable to driving while drunk. he taught the world to think different. some final thoughts about steve jobs. coming next. living with diabetes is a reality for me, but i learned that i don't have to use a vial and syringe as part of my daily routine anymore. my doctor showed me the novolog mix 70/30 flexpen. flexpen is discreet and comes pre-filled with my insulin. flexpen goes with me and doesn't need refrigeration. and it's covered by most insurance. if you're still using a vial and syringe, ask your healthcare provider about the benefits of flexpen. flexpen is a discreet, pre-filled, dial-a-dose insulin pen. you can dial the exact dose of insulin you need.
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>> pelley: steve jobs often ended his presentations of new apple products by saying "there's one more thing" and then he'd roll out a new marble. so here's anthony mason with one more thing about steve jobs. >> reporter: it's hard to imagine such an open display of grief for any other american c.e.o. steve jobs was a populist corporate hero. these days, that seems almost a contradiction in terms. jobs challenged us to think different in apple's famous ad campaign that celebrated rebels. >> they're not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. >> reporter: an intensely private man, jobs connected with the public through his products that literally changed our
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world. he didn't believe in focus groups or market surveys. it's not the consumer's job to know what they want, he said. he liked to quote hockey great wayne gretzky. >> "i skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it has been." and we've always tried to do that at apple. >> reporter: in 1984, with the macintosh, jobs pioneered the personal computer. >> and then i got fired. >> reporter: he told stanford university students in 2005 it was the best thing that could ever happen to him. >> the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. >> reporter: in exile from apple, he created pixar and pioneered digital animation. >> hello? (screaming). >> reporter: pixar's first film "toy story" would forever change the movies. >> to infinity and beyond! >> reporter: the bow ties gave way to black turtle necks. jobs returned to apple in 1997, wouldisher in one of the
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greatest second acts in american business. the ipod would alter entire entertainment industry. but jobs kept innovating, making apple's products sleeker. >> you can get a feel for how thin it is. >> reporter: and smarter. >> and we are calling it iphone. >> reporter: steve jobs always lived up to apple's "think different" ideology. >> it's the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. >> reporter: at a moment when america needs corporate heroes, we just lost the greatest one of our time. anthony mason, cbs news, new york. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs
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now, "entertainment tonight" the most watched entertainment newsmagazine in the world. an american icon. a world visionary. >> he was our edison. our disney. >> apple's steve jobs, hollywood mourns his loss today. one of his final photos. frail. still fighting. plus, his close connection to the stars of music, movies and tv. ♪ then, the jackson death trial. and the


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